Thank you for visiting my web site. I appreciate having this
opportunity to introduce myself and my practice... I am a social
worker by training and a mother through both adoption and birth. My
professional and personal lives dovetailed in the late 1970's when I
began helping people build or expand their families.
Over the past
four decades, I have had the opportunity to talk with countless
individuals and couples about their struggles with infertility,
their pregnancies and parenthood after infertility, their decisions
about egg donation, sperm donation and gestational carriers. I
have led dozens of support groups, spoken at many seminars
and conferences, and written extensively on the subject of
reproductive medicine from social, emotional and ethical
"Timing is everything," they say. I am especially
grateful to have become involved in the fields of reproductive
medicine and adoption at such an interesting and dynamic time. I can
easily recall the arrivals of IVF, ICSI, PGD and the first
pregnancies through egg donation and gestational carriers.
I have
also had the opportunity to see the world of adoption change, as
international and trans racial adoptions took adoption out of the
shadows and into the sunlight. At this point in my career, I divide
my time between counseling people struggling with infertility,
consulting with folks making decisions about alternative paths to
parenthood, coaching those choosing an adoption agency or an egg
donor, and writing about all of the above (as well as a wide range
of other subjects).
If you live in or around the Boston area, I can
meet with you as a counselor, a consultant, a coach or some
combination of the three. If you live at a distance, including internationally, I am happy to talk by phone or Skype.
Perhaps the thing I like
best about my work is that I get to talk with a variety of
interesting, determined, and inspiring people. It is a great
privilege to talk with them about their efforts to build their
families and a greater joy to help them bring long awaited children
into their lives.
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